{{ __('Team Members') }} {{ __('All of the people that are part of this team.') }}
{{ $team->owner->name }}
{{ $team->owner->name }}
{{ $team->owner->teamRole($team)->name }}
@if ( $team->personal_team )
non personal_team
@endif @if (Gate::check('transfer', $team)) {{ __('transfer') }} @else {{ $team->owner->teamRole($team)->name }} @endif
@foreach ($team->users->sortBy('name') as $team_user)
@if ($this->user->id === $team_user->id) @elseif (Gate::check('removeTeamMember', $team)) @endif @if (Gate::check('updateTeamMember', $team) && Laravel\Jetstream\Jetstream::hasRoles()) @endif
{{-- @endif --}} {{ __('Manage Role') }} {{-- {{ __('Reassign this users role') }} --}}
@foreach ($this->roles as $index => $role) @endforeach
{{ __('Cancel') }} {{ __('Save') }}
{{ __('Leave Team') }} {{ __('Are you sure you would like to leave this team?') }} {{ __('Cancel') }} {{ __('Leave') }} {{ __('Remove Team Member') }} {{ __('Are you sure you would like to remove this person from the team?') }} {{ __('Cancel') }} {{ __('Remove') }} {{-- @if (Gate::check('addTeamMember', $team)) --}} {{--
{{ __('Add Team Member') }} {{ __('Add a new team member to your team, allowing them to collaborate with you.') }}
{{ __('Add Team Member') }}
{{ __('Please provide the email address of the person you would like to add to this team.') }}

@if (count($this->roles) > 0)
@foreach ($this->roles as $index => $role) @endforeach
{{ __('Added.') }} {{ __('Add') }}
--}} {{-- // Access the team's owner... $team->owner : App\Models\User // Get all of the team's users, including the owner... $team->allUsers() : Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection // Get all of the team's users, excluding the owner... $team->users : Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection // Determine if the given user is a team member... $team->hasUser($user) : bool // Determine if the team has a member with the given email address... $team->hasUserWithEmail($emailAddress) : bool // Determine if the given user is a team member with the given permission... $team->userHasPermission($user, $permission) : bool --}} {{-- // Access a user's currently selected team... $user->currentTeam : Laravel\Jetstream\Team // Access all of the team's (including owned teams) that a user belongs to... $user->allTeams() : Illuminate\Support\Collection // Access all of a user's owned teams... $user->ownedTeams : Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection // Access all of the teams that a user belongs to but does not own... $user->teams : Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection // Access a user's "personal" team... $user->personalTeam() : Laravel\Jetstream\Team // Determine if a user owns a given team... $user->ownsTeam($team) : bool // Determine if a user belongs to a given team... $user->belongsToTeam($team) : bool // Get the role that the user is assigned on the team... $user->teamRole($team) : \Laravel\Jetstream\Role // Determine if the user has the given role on the given team... $user->hasTeamRole($team, 'admin') : bool // Access an array of all permissions a user has for a given team... $user->teamPermissions($team) : array // Determine if a user has a given team permission... $user->hasTeamPermission($team, 'server:create') : bool --}} {{-- @endif --}} {{-- @if ($team->teamInvitations->isNotEmpty() && Gate::check('addTeamMember', $team)) --}} @if ($team->teamInvitations->isNotEmpty()) {{-- @if ($team->teamInvitations->isNotEmpty() && Gate::check('addTeamMember', $team)) --}}
{{ __('Pending Team Invitations') }} {{ __('These people have been invited to your team and have been sent an invitation email. They may join the team by accepting the email invitation.') }}
@foreach ($team->teamInvitations as $invitation)
{{ __($invitation->email) }}
{{ __($invitation->email) }}
{{Laravel\Jetstream\Jetstream::findRole($invitation->role)->name }}
{{ Laravel\Jetstream\Jetstream::findRole($invitation->role)->name }}
--}} {{-- @if (Gate::check('removeTeamMember', $team)) --}} {{-- @endif --}} @if (Gate::check('removeTeamMember', $team)) {{-- --}} {{ __('Cancel') }} @endif
There are no outgoing invites
@endif @if ($team->teamInvitations->isNotEmpty()) {{-- @if ($team->teamInvitations->isNotEmpty() && Gate::check('addTeamMember', $team)) --}}
{{ __('Incoming Team Requests') }} {{ __('Text......'. $team->teamInvitations->count() ) }}

@foreach ($team->teamInvitations as $invitation)
{{ __($invitation->email) }}
{{ Laravel\Jetstream\Jetstream::findRole($invitation->role)->name }}
{{-- @if (Gate::check('removeTeamMember', $team)) --}} {{ __('Cancel') }} {{-- @endif --}}
There are no incoming requeests
@endif @if ($team->teamInvitations->isNotEmpty()) {{-- @if ($team->teamInvitations->isNotEmpty() && Gate::check('addTeamMember', $team)) --}}
{{ __('Outgoing Team Requests') }} {{ __('Text......') }}

@foreach ($team->teamInvitations as $invitation)
{{ __($invitation->email) }}
{{ Laravel\Jetstream\Jetstream::findRole($invitation->role)->name }}
{{ __('Cancel') }} {{-- @if (Gate::check('removeTeamMember', $team)) --}} {{-- @if ( ! Gate::check('rejectTeamJoinRequest', $team)) {{ __('Reject') }} @endif @if ( ! Gate::check('acceptTeamJoinRequest', $team)) {{ __('Accept') }} @endif --}} {{-- @endif --}}
There are no outgoing local join invites